9/11 Optical heritage Museum
$0.00 - $50.00
per item
3 ABO credits Space is limited! Buy your pass now!
9/11/2022 form 9:45a to 2:30p
Join us on 9/11 for a lux road trip to the Optical Heritage Museum in Southbridge, MA!
We will depart via coach bus at 10am (address below) spend the afternoon at the museum, have a pizza lunch and return at 2:30pm (traffic permitting).
Earn a total of 3 ABO CE throughout the trip! One each way and one at the museum.
This event is free for members. Not a member yet? Join now.
Members receive free CE and event admission throughout the year!
Departing from 80 Town Line Rd. Rocky Hill,CT. Bus leaves at 10am sharp. Please arrive early to park.